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Auto, Motorcycle, & Recreational Vehicle Insurance

  • Overview

    Everyone knows that Auto Insurance is heavily regulated by the government. But that doesn’t mean that it’s the same no matter where you go. There are so many product options and little-known discounts to take advantage of; and different insurance companies have different views of risk. How can you figure out what’s right for you? It takes work. And, you’re busy. You probably don’t have the time to dig through all the offerings out there to find the best product, or the insurance company that will serve you well, and treat you fairly when you have a claim. Plus, who really wants to? You don’t have to go through all of that trouble to make sure that you’re not overpaying for your car insurance. You can depend on Wells Insurance Services to find you a policy that gives you superior protection at a reasonable price. For a list of everything we can help you protect, click on "Key Product Features" below.

  • Key product features
    • Motorcycles;
    • Campers and motorhomes;
    • Collector and antique cars;
    • Recreational vehicles such as ATVs and Snowmobiles,;
    • And more!
  • Online application

    Contact Wells Insurance Services for more information today!

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  • What’s the benefit of having Home and Auto insured together?

    Bundling your Home and Auto insurance will help you save money on both policies. As an added benefit, if you need to make a claim on both your house and car, you will only need to pay one deductible.

  • Why do I need Auto insurance?

    In Canada, you must have Auto insurance before you are allowed to drive a car. By law, you must have the following basic coverage: Accident benefits (if you or a passenger are hurt in an accident); Unknown/uninsured motorist (in the case of a hit and run); Liability (if someone sues you); Direct compensation for property damage (for damages to your vehicle from an accident which isn’t entirely your fault or where you are not at fault).

  • What other policy features are available beyond the basic Auto package?

    Options will vary by province and need; however here are some commonly purchased coverages: Specified Perils: covers the cost to replace/repair your vehicle if it’s damaged by theft, fire, or other rare incidents; Comprehensive Insurance: provides protection for specified perils and other scenarios such as vandalism, falling objects, and more; Collision or Upset: covers the cost to replace/repair your vehicle if it’s in a crash or if it tips over; All Perils: Combines all of the above and more.

  • Are other drivers allowed to drive my car?

    If they are licensed and have received your permission, they are allowed. However, all licensed drivers in your home must also be listed on your policy.

  • What does “at fault/not at fault” mean?

    It is a percentage of responsibility that is assigned to every driver that is involved in an accident but is calculated differently by various insurers. You could be considered not at fault (0%), partially at fault (1-99%) or at fault (100%).

  • How are auto premiums calculated?

    Each insurer assigns a different rate based on how they assess the following factors: Limit and deductible required; Make, model and year of your vehicle; Vehicle usage (errands, commuting, commercial, etc.); Distance travelled annually; Address; Driving experience; Claims history; And more.

  • When do I need to update my policy?

    While you should review your policy at least once a year, make sure to contact your broker if: you move, buy a new vehicle, add a new licensed driver to your policy, or begin using your vehicle for business purposes.

  • I have a classic car. Will my regular Auto policy cover me?

    No. You need to purchase Classic car insurance which will provide you with special coverage tailored for vintage and classic cars.

  • Why do I need to insure my child who’s away at school as a driver?

    Your child is only away at school part time in a secondary residence. Their primary residence is still considered to be your home. The Canadian government mandates that you insure every licensed driver who resides in your home

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